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[Invision Blog] 역대 가장 중요한 UI 애니메이션


출처 : https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/the-8-most-important-ui-animations-of-all-time/


The 8 most important UI animations of all time | Inside Design Blog

Design that moves is a fundamental building block of the internet. These are the 8 that represent our basics—and advancement.


세상을 바꿔놓은 혁신적인 UI 애니메이션 8개.


1. The blinking cursor (1967)

1967년 Charles A Kiesling 에 의해 특허 출원


2. The Sega Genesis splash screen (1989)


3. The AOL login screen (1995)


4. The Windows XP download screen (2001)


5. The Mac beach ball (2001)


6. The iMessage “is typing” bubble (2007)


7. The Uber “searching for ride” animation (2010)


8. Twitter pull to refresh (2010)